
Hello and thank you for visiting Biolblogia! Bienvenidos!

The blog is written by students taking the course “El artículo científico: redacción, edición, evaluación y presentación en Inglés” at the Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán (CICY) in Mérida, Yucatán, México.

The blog provides a forum for students to practice writing English in an informal way that effectively communicates ideas related to science. In the blog, the students will share what it is like to be a graduate student in Biology at CICY and in Mérida.

However, the blog is not just for the students in the course. Nor is the blog only in English. Puedes escribir en Español o cualquier idioma. If you want to contribute, please contact the administrator. Si quieres contribuir, por favor contactar el administrador.

A final note: this blog reflects only the views of the contributors and does not represent the views of CICY or its staff.

Happy reading!

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